
Adult Games Provide Escape During Quarantine

Adult Games Provide Escape During Quarantine

Although stay-home restrictions are lightening up, it is still very important that we all continue to social distance from each other. We’ve learned that parties can be virtual, but speaking to several people at once on a Zoom call can get overwhelming. A trend is arising, though, that helps alleviate this problem: video-chat adult party games.

Question- or statement-based games work great for socially distanced drinking games. This can be virtual or practiced while social distancing together in the same area. Friends could share a list of things they hate, for example, like rainy days, moist underwear, Donald Trump and social distancing. One by one, they list each item and whoever hates that thing, takes a drink. Question-based drinking games also work very well for socially distant drinking parties, with questions such as “Would you be willing to shave off your eyebrows for tickets to your favorite concert?” Anyone who says yes, takes a drink.

Romantic games are a great way for couples to fall in love again.

Small Group Games With Pieces (But No Game-Piece Sharing)

Many party games and drinking games have tokens or paddles that you can use to vote. What the host of this type of party game should do is wipe down each game voting piece as they are handed to the players that are standing or sitting six feet apart from each other. Then they use their game pieces only for themselves. For example, if the host asks a player, “Would you be willing to dive into a full outhouse to retrieve a 5-carat diamond? A) Yes B) No.” Other players then use either coins with these letters on them or any coin with a heads (A) or tails (B) option. They vote, and the player who was asked the question reveals his or her answer once everyone else has covered up their answers. Anyone that is correct earns a point — or if playing as a drinking game, anyone who is wrong takes a drink.

Topic Sticks Make Great Conversation Starters

Another type of popular adult party game comes in the form of topic sticks. There could be questions, such as “What is the most unethical thing you have ever done for money?” Or conversation-starters such as “Worst dating nightmare.” Players in a large group on Zoom or in a space together can take turns answering the question or addressing the topic. The host can set the order, if online, or can accept the first few people who volunteer. These types of activities keep people talking but also ensure that no one feels like they are being talked over or excluded from the get-together. The players just have fun sharing secrets with each other, or they can make it a competition by awarding points for the answers that received the best reactions from the other players.

Breaking the Bedroom Boredom

The most popular type of adults-only games, though, are of course the relationship and sex games. Couples are coming out of quarantine together often feeling a little more dislike than usual for their other halves. It is tough to be stuck in the same living space, working at home together, and otherwise spending all your leisure time together as well. You couldn’t see a couples counselor because, of course, they are not “essential.” Countries such as China, which experienced the COVID-19 pandemic earlier than most countries, reported a much higher divorce rate coming out of quarantine than before and in previous years.

Romantic games are a great way for couples to fall in love again. There are hundreds of types of games out there for every type of couple. Not just straight and LGBTQ+, but also those who are more into chakra-life balance, experimentation, role-playing, bondage and fetish exploration. Encourage shoppers to get out of their comfort zone and try new things! Adult games are especially helpful for couples that are looking to try new things and need some help with how to suggest that to their partner.

New sex positions are always a great way to mix things up. Couples naturally fall into routines with their lovemaking. Having a new experience can be as simple as rolling dice or drawing a card. Some games even go as far as to have over 50 or even close to 100 different sex positions you can try.

Thank you for listening. Remind your customers that we all need to play. Please play safe and stay safe!

Brian Pellham is the CEO of Kheper Games.


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