WASHINGTON — Morality in Media wants to shoot down Ryanair's proposal to provide an in-flight app for iPads and smartphones that would include porn.
On Thursday, Morality in Media, called on U.S. citizens and pro-family organizations in Europe to contact the European airline and “stop this outrage before it gets started."
Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary said this week he is floating the fee-based porn proposal to generate more revenue, one of many controversial ideas he has had in the past. O'Leary also has talked about paring bathrooms to add more seats, selling standing room seats and moving to pay toilets.
The airline recently launched a racy crew calendar, as well.
Dawn Hawkins, executive director of MIM, said that Ryanair "is creating an unsafe environment for every individual who travels on their planes" with a possible on-board porn app.
"Can you imagine how uncomfortable most women passengers and female flight attendants will feel with several men viewing pornography in the small space of an airplane?" Hawkins asked. "In an office workplace, this would constitute a clear case of sexual harassment."
Patrick A. Trueman, MIM's president and CEO, is urging all travelers from the U.S. and Europe to avoid using Ryanair Airlines and encouraging flyers to call the company to say no to porn. The organization also has added a web page dedicated to the issue.