WebmasterScore.com Launches Review Site Submitter

NEW YORK – The new Review Site Submitter from WebmasterScore.com allows any paysite affiliate program to submit their sites for review on more than 25 adult Review Sites from one central location in less than 5 minutes. This new free service saves webmasters thousands of hours of effort and streamlines the entire site review process.

“As the owner of the review sites TheTongue.net and BiReviews.com I am aware that a tremendous amount of time is wasted when reviewers individually contact program owners to arrange site access” said Stewart Tongue, the owner of WebmasterScore. “As a writer and consultant for many successful paysites, I’m also aware that program owners spend a lot of time searching for worthwhile Review Sites. The Review Site Submitter is designed to save thousands of hours on both sides of that equation… and it works!”

Any affiliate program is welcome to use this new service. Program owners enter some basic data about their site and choose to include any or all of the Review Sites shown on a moderated list. The Review Site Submitter allows you to enter a separate user/password for each selected review site using SSL Encryption to provide even greater data security.

Each review site is carefully pre-screened before being listed and many of the most respected Review Sites have already started using the new service. RabbitsReviews, TheBestPorn, FreeOnes, SirRodneys, GayDemon, Pams Reviews, PlanetClimax and dozens of other professional review sites have agreed to accept review requests directly from the WebmasterScore Review Site Submitter system. All niches, gay or straight, long established or emerging - each listed review site is an honest and respected source of text-rich, highly relevant backlinks and deeply filtered traffic known for exceptional conversion ratios.

The Review Submitter also saves each bit of data program owners enter, allowing the same program owner to log in again at a later date to update a previously entered review request or to make a new site request from a review request template without having to re-enter any of the existing data.

During Beta testing the Review Site Submitter processed well over 50 site review requests and sent them to more than 25 review site owners. Major industry leaders who had a chance to see the site in action during Beta have decided to sponsor the WebmasterScore website. The continued generosity of world class affiliate programs including HustlerCash, PIMPROLL, FameDollars, FetishHits, PuppyCash, VideosZ, RealityCash, AdultDateCash, HighDefRiches, RoyalVault and other prominent adult companies allows all webmasters to use this amazing new tool as a free resource.

Review Site owners, Affiliate Programs and Sponsors interested in utilizing this exciting new webmaster resource tool are encouraged to contact Stewart via ICQ# 266942896 or email Relentless@WebmasterScore.com.

“If all goes as planned, the Review Site Submitter will save webmasters thousands of hours of their time and generate additional revenue for thousands of websites,” Stewart said. “That’s what makes it a real WebmasterScore.”


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