Articles by Gerald Bostock

Have a Seat, Get Comfy

XBIZ delves deeper into the whole milieu of sofas, swings and super-electric surrogates to say — or ask, rather — exactly what ARE some of these products all about? Which ones are most popular? What folks actually buy this freaky furniture and twisted technology? And, eventually, where and how might one purchase these truly erotic pieces of fornicatingly far-out yet, nonetheless, fully functional, objet d’art?

Gerald Bostock ·

Devil’s Films Eric Gutterman — Fired Up and Ready to Go

Three decades is a long time. Time enough for a kid to become an adult, enter college, graduate, get a full-time job, get married, have kids and develop ulcers. Well, maybe not ulcers. But, yes, 30 years is a considerable amount of time. And that’s how long Eric Gutterman, the general manager at the Devil’s Films has been in the adult film business. Well, 28 years, to be exact; that is, since 1982, when there was no Internet, and the adult industry was a totally different world.

Gerald Bostock ·

Porn's Politically Incorrect Visionary, Jim Powers

When you look up the terms “controversial” and “political incorrectness” in Webster’s Dictionary, you’ll most likely (depending on the edition) see Jim Powers’ picture right next to those same definitions. Powers—who largely directs for JM Productions and his own company Powersville, Inc.—has been making edgy, head-turning, far-from-conventional and, yes, politically incorrect porn on a full-time basis since the early ‘90s.

Gerald Bostock ·