
Is ‘Jelqing’ the Cost-Free Penis Enhancement for the COVID Era?

Is ‘Jelqing’ the Cost-Free Penis Enhancement for the COVID Era?

It’s fair to say, a lot of people are trying do something to better themselves during this current COVID-19 pandemic. Whether that’s actually being able to master baking a cake without burning it or simply spending infinite amounts of time with their loved ones without losing their temper, more commonly people have decided to improve themselves. When did we last have this extra time confined within our own four walls to do that online workout class or meditation session? There’s always been something else burning at the top of our “to-do” lists.

So it turns out, a large amount of people want to use this extra time to work on their manhood, but where do they start? In an ideal world, of course we'd eliminate the stigma around penis size, as well as the false assumption that those with larger penises make for better sexual partners. There are countless studies showing that there's no actual sexual benefit from having a larger penis (for either team in the game) — the only thing that it changes is that it can boost the confidence of those with penises. Not to mention, while certainly some partners have mocked someone for the size of their penis, research suggests that it’s mostly men making fun of other men with small penises.

Jelqing is a manual manipulation of simultaneous squeezing and stroking the shaft from base to the start of the glans.

With unemployment creeping up and many consumers having to keep a much closer eye on their money in the bank, the suggestion of a “cost-free” enlargement seems unlikely, but is it?

This natural penis enlargement technique can not only be used to achieve a larger penis, but these stretching exercises make the erectile tissue stronger helping to improve the quality of erections, as well as making sex sessions longer.

So, what is this technique called? Jelqing.

Jelqing is a natural therapy technique that utilizes a “milking”-like motion on a penis that is 50-75 percent erect and normally takes approximately two to three minutes to complete one cycle. Jelqing improves blood flow and circulation and is a great entry-level penis enlargement exercise that can be done in the comfort of your own home. When performed correctly, jelqing exercises are a completely safe and natural way to a fuller, longer-lasting erection. Jelqing is a great way to boost your sexual performance and is something anyone can start doing right away — without any added equipment.

The jelqing technique has been around for a very, very long time and has ancient Arabic origins. As an exercise it is performed on a semi-erect penis. Jelqing is a manual manipulation of simultaneous squeezing and stroking the shaft from base to the start of the glans.

The key to getting results is, like anything, to be consistent with the approach. Several online men’s health forums have recommended jelqing after use of a penis pump as a safe and effective way of increasing penis size in a shorter period of time. Jelqing ostensibly works by forcing blood into the penis, creating positive pressure to promote growth of the penis and flushing harmful toxins out of the groin area and nutrient-rich blood back into the penis.

Basic jelqing involves a five-step process accomplished in a simple, fluid motion.

1. Lubricate: before starting jelqing, lubricate the penis!

2. O.K.-Grip: using the thumb and main pointer finger form an O.K.-grip.

3. Start at Base: place the grip around the base of the penis, as close to the pubic bone as possible.

4. Move Up: with light pressure on the grip, slowly move it up the penis. The ideal jelqing pressure is one that does not hurt, but effectively pushes blood up the penis.

5. Stop Before Glans: stop the grip directly before it reaches the glans. Each jelq should take approximately one to two seconds and around 100 per session.

It’s important to emphasize that one should go gentle on the penis. The last thing anyone wants is to handle it roughly because doing so can injure the tissues by causing large tears. Likewise, being too rough can hurt the ligaments at the base of the penis.

Jelqing also encourages people to take time to monitor and learn about the way their penis responds not only to the stretching exercises but also to other forms of stimulation. Doing so will help them to become more in tune with their sexual health and will eventually result in them being more comfortable with the size of their penis.

Kerri Middleton is the business development manager for Bathmate.


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