“Cross Country” was shot entirely on location in New Zealand and features more than 22 male performers, including Roman Heart, Erik Rhodes and Mathew Rush. The film comes on the heels of the successful release of “Drenched” and “Taking Flight.”
“Cross Country” will hit the streets on Sept. 21 and part one will be exclusively streamed on NakedSword.com as a pay-per-view feature for one week starting Sept. 22.
Falconstudios.com also will air a special "Cross Country"-themed episode of its live sex show FalconTV, and several of the film’s stars will make appearances at the Falcon sponsored Gay.com "Come Together Tour of America” kick-off party at 111 Minna Gallery in San Francisco on Sept. 9. Falcon stars are scheduled to appear at a list of nationwide locations during the 40-city tour.
Among the many media outlets that will publicize parts one and two of the film are leading gay adult magazines Unzipped, Men, [2] and Freshmen, each of which will feature a full-sized movie poster and brochure based on “Cross Country” publicity information. Unzipped magazine also will feature the first-ever photo spread of “Cross Country” star Ethan Kage, a newcomer to the Falcon Family of Companies.
Other promotional events for the new title include two upcoming episodes of Sirius Radio’s “The Derek & Romaine Show,” which will host the film’s stars Matthew Rush and Kage talking about their experiences shooting the film in New Zealand. On Oct. 5, the same Sirius talk show will feature the film’s director Chris Steele discussing the challenges of directing 23 porn stars in a foreign country and his experiences directing his second Falcon two-part movie.
Falcon’s launch of “Cross Country” also includes a sweepstakes to win a trip for two to New Zealand, a seven-night stay at the Orongo Bay Homestead – where much of “Cross Country” was filmed – and $1,000 spending money.
Established 30 years ago, San Francisco-based Falcon Family of Companies is a multimedia entertainment that spans five key brands: Falcon Studios, Jocks Studios, Mustang Studios, The Falcon International Collection and The Alone With Series.
Falcon also produces and distributes content through FalconTV, Falcon Flix and adult video retailers worldwide.