“I think we hit the ball out of the park with this one. SheMale FuckFest contains the kind of content your shemale traffic is guaranteed to gobble up," EuroRevenue CEO Todd Glider said. "The site offers many boy/tranny scenes and boy/girl/tranny scenes. The action is rigorous, to put it mildly.”
The SheMaleFuckFest.com tour offers hardcore previews and a multi-page design. The members area contains 80 bonus sites and unlimited download access to a constantly expanding collection of hardcore DVDs.
A trial join option pays affiliated webmasters $40 per signup and a revenue sharing plan pays as up to 75 percent recurring. Webmasters sales tools include including hosted image and movie galleries, banners, FPAs, HPAs and a keyword-rich blog.
SheMaleFuckFest.com is integrated with EuroRevenue’s proprietary Members Area Management System, which offers end-users an organized, intuitive site experience with features including search options, simple navigation and stored favorites.
Also from EuroRevenue, John Thompson Productions site GGGSexBox.com was recently re-launched, DRM-free, under MAMS, and other JTP sites GermanGooGirls.com, ExtremeBukkake.com and 666Bukkake.com will follow suit in the weeks ahead. To learn more about SheMaleFuckFest.com, and other EuroRevenue properties, visit EuroRevenue.com or email Executive Sales Manager Huda Mahdi at huda@eurorevenue.com.