The Tenga is a one-use masturbation sleeve designed with contours, vacuum areas and a built-in lube dispenser. There are several designs to replicate different sex acts. Tenga reports that its products are the best-selling sex toys for men in Japan and Thailand, and the new lines are specifically designed for American men.
"I am beyond thrilled. This is the first men's toy that has really been a match for us," Entrenue Sales and Marketing Director Lisa Mazurek told XBIZ. "It's one of the most intelligent toys out there for men. The exterior design is very smart, very sport fashioned. The interior is superior. It's more high-tech than other sleeves out there.
"The feedback we've been getting from users has been through the roof. Everybody is loving the actual sensation of it."
Products currently available in the U.S. are Squeeze Play 6.0 and 8.0, and Lip Service 6.0 and 8.0. MSRP is $12.95 to $14.95, according to Mazurek.
New Tenga products the Egg and Flip Hole will be available in May.
"They got a lot of attention at the International Lingerie Show in Las Vegas last week," Mazurek said. "We already pre-sold quite a few of them. The excitement is phenomenal."