Directed by 21-year-old newcomer Simon Pearce and written and produced by gay creative team Christian Martin and Darren Flaxstone, "Shank" follows the life of teenage gang member Cal who hides his secret gay sex life from his fellow gang members. When Cal rescues a university student from a gay-bashing incident, he begins to discover a gentler side to love and lust, but a female gang member pursues her suspicions that there's more to Cal than he's letting on. The polarizing personalities lead to a brutal outcome has been described as "shocking and extreme."
"The film takes no prisoners and the brutal and emotionally draining denouement to this sexy, violent and multilayered story has electrified gay festival audiences worldwide," a company spokesperson said.
The deal was negotiated by TLA’s Director of Production Derek Curl and "Shank" writer and producer Christian Martin.
“'Shank' is an original and controversial drama of working class youth and sexuality," TLA President Raymond Murray said. "It is fresh and young and we expect the film to be well-received with audiences. We are excited about releasing the film and can’t wait to see the public’s reaction.”
"Shank" will get a limited U.S. and U.K. theatrical release in September before the DVD release at the end of the year, before its DVD at the end of 2009.