Featuring 125,000-plus movies to choose from, MovieDollars affiliates can now create clips up to 30 seconds in length from any movie offered at "Ultra" stream-speed and then embed the "clipped" video into any web page by simply copying and pasting the provided code.
According to the company, targeting specific niche surfers has never been so easy. For instance, a MovieDollars.com affiliate running a blog site that caters to "big boobs" can create a 30-second clip of any "Big Boob" video at HotMovies.com (currently there are over 5000 "big boobs" movies offered), and use it to start sending traffic to a custom theater or any HotMovies.com site.
"You won't find this tool being offered by any other affiliate program, and with 125,000-plus movies to choose from, MovieDollars.com affiliates are in a league of their own," stated a company rep, adding, "HotMovies.com has a niche selection listed by category that is unrivaled in the online porn world."
"We believe our affiliate webmasters know their traffic better than anyone," President of HotMovies Marketing Division, James Cybert, said. "A few months ago I had an idea: 'It would awesome if we could give affiliates the option of creating their own clips from our movie database and using these custom clips as marketing tools.' Here we are 3 months later and the idea has become a reality."
HotMovies.com also recently added the "Boxometer" — an iframe movie box-cover rotator — to its collection of webmaster tools. Webmasters can use it to specify categories and/or studios to feature in his or her own rotating box-cover banner and set color and style preferences to fit their specific needs.
MovieDollars.com has a video tutorial to help affiliates use the Dirty Thirty Clip Creator.