“Sugar Sisters” is a revenge movie featuring the stars as weapon-toting problem-solvers, the company said.
According to a press release, the movie features “Mai Tai, played by Flores, struggles to investigate the kidnapping of her best friend Shirley Temple (Kane) by Bloody Mary (Hunter), who was rejected by agency owner/operator Martini (Hartley). Mai Tai only has very limited time to find Shirley before Mary kills her. Mai Tai enlists the help of her crew, Hot Totty (Lane), Mimosa (Blue), and Cosmo (Blakovich) who has violent encounters throughout the film. We come to learn that Mai Tais relationship with The Sisters and Bloody Mary are deeper than expected she deals with unexpected obstacles in search of the truth.”
“Sugar Sisters” is an original story by Carlos Batts with the screenplay written by Darryl Wharton and story writing collaborator Nathan Carlisle.
The film also features an original score of Electronica, hip-hop and hardcore musicians, with illustrations by Nima Sorat. The film is currently in production to be released sometime in 2011. The film is currently being produced by C. Batts FLY.
For more information, email cbattsfly@gmail.com.