The eBook is a how-to book as well as a resource guide to promote affiliate network marketing in the adult industry.
“We encouraged David to include more than 1400 affiliate programs from companies in the XBIZ Directory to help guide his readers to use the affiliate programs that are already established in the adult industry, as well as helping those companies secure more affiliates to sell their products and services, and he agreed to do so,” said Steven Bloome, president of Sunset Lifestyle Affiliates.
Affiliate Managers of programs listed in the XBIZ Directory of Affiliate Programs are encouraged to email Sunset Lifestyle Affiliates at to confirm that they are already listed for free in this first edition eBook and that none were inadvertently left out. Sunset Lifestyle Affiliates is offering budget advertising opportunities for companies with affiliate programs.
“While a company has already been included for free in the resource guide, they are still one of over 1400 affiliate programs listed”, Bloome said.
“For only $125 a year, a company in the resource guide can be bold listed as an “Editor’s Pick," helping them stand out amongst all other 1400+ companies.”