Although the film only features a 24-year old nude Stallone and no hardcore scenes, interest in the movie has been kicking around for years. MGM reportedly tried to buy the film in 2009 but the deal fell through.
The new unnamed buyer won the original 35mm negatives of the film along with worldwide rights over 31 bidders at an eBay auction held by Bryanston Distributors.
Originally titled “The Party at Kitty and Stud’s” — the movie features a less-beefy, pre-Rocky Stallone playing the role of “Stud” who, along with co-star “Kitty” invites other girls into their bed.
He also said that the original producers tried to sell the film to him for $100,000 after the release of “Rocky.”
The movie has been circulating for some time, having been released in 1976 and then again in 2007.