MONTREAL — Next Door Entertainment has launched a cooperative awareness campaign with the Until There’s A Cure Foundation to promote National HIV Testing Day on June 27.
Next Door president Stephan Sirard said, "We are very supportive of the work of Until There’s A Cure and are adding our voice to the message, ‘Take the test; Take control’, and encourage everyone to get tested and know their status."
He added, "This year we will launch a social media campaign through our blogs, Facebook and Twitter channels to raise awareness and promote participation in National HIV Testing Day, being held on Monday, June 27.”
Nora Hanna, Executive Director of Until There's A Cure Foundation commented, "Everyone who has sex is at risk of catching HIV. Although quite obvious, it is something I think we all forget. HIV is a threat to everyone who has sex. So on behalf of Until There’s A Cure and everyone else fighting to end HIV/AIDS, we encourage you to get tested, know your status and help us raise awareness of this often forgotten truth."
She added, “The only way to know for sure whether you have been infected, even after an activity that is considered to be very low risk for HIV transmission, is to get tested.”
Next Door said the National HIV Testing day was established in 1995 by the National Association of People with AIDS in coordination with the Centers for Disease Control.
"Early HIV diagnosis is critical, so people who are infected can fully benefit from available life-saving treatments. Currently, almost 40 percent of people with HIV are not diagnosed until they already have developed AIDS. That can be up to 10 years after they first became infected with HIV. Finding out whether you are infected with HIV is the first step to improving your health and the health of your partners and your family," the company stated.
Further information on the Until There's A Cure Foundation can be found here, or by calling (650) 332-3200, (800) 88-UNTIL or (800) 888-6845.