LOS ANGELES — Tera Patrick will be signing alongside Sinister X Syndicate at the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con, and working with the Syndicate on other upcoming projects including playing Spider Woman in an episodic series on the Extreme Entertainment Network.
Sinister X Syndicate leading lady Lizzy Borden reached out to Patrick for the signing, and Patrick was excited about the opportunity.
“I’m honored, and excited to be working with Lizzy Borden finally!" Patrick said. "I’m a fan of all she does and have a lot of respect for Lizzy as a performer, director and fellow business woman. She is also a friend and I look forward to future projects together.”
For Borden, the opportunity to work with Patrick is something she is not just excited about, but something she is serious about too.
“Tera is a huge star, and I’m humbled that she would accept our invitation and work with us," Borden said. "I’m a longtime fan, she’s been a longtime friend, and now finally the timing is right for us to work on some smoking hot superhero projects, and i’m going to bring my A-game to the table, for an A-List girl like Tera.”
Along with the Comic-Con signing, Patrick will also take part in the Sinister X Syndicate’s Extreme Entertainment Network, playing Spider Woman, in an episodic series available on the company’s “Access Anywhere, Access Everywhere” XentNet content delivery platform, allowing members to view the content on their computers, tablets, mobile devices and TVs in HD with a ROKU set-top box. Talks of a non-porn comic book are in the works as well.
Sinister X Syndicate Head of Sales Dave Peskin goes way back with Patrick.
“The six years I spent working with Tera Patrick was a magical time," Peskin said. "Working with her again in the present through the future is a salesman’s dream. I couldn’t be more pleased to be a part of such a perfect pairing, and it pleases me so to have her in our booth at Comic-Con, on our Extreme Entertainment Network as Spider Woman, and involved with other promotional projects and signings. Having the legend Tera Patrick in the Sinister X Syndicate is history in the making.”
Patrick will be signing with the Syndicate, Friday July 13-14 and will then be appearing as part of “The Naughty Show” at The American Comedy Co.
Sinister X concluded, “With great power comes great responsibility. Since I have launched the Syndicate all of our news has been big. Now, we just dropped something even bigger. With great power comes great responsibility… How true it is.”