LOS ANGELES — HomegrownCash and Spankmo Mobile have partnered to launch a new mobile website m.HomegrownHairyBush.com.
The new offering features home-made amateur video and photos with all-natural stars.
Homegrown said the new site includes hardcore amateur hairy pussy sex tapes of real wives, swingers, college girls, couples, and group sex lovers from its 30-year collection.
“Launching the Homegrown Hairy Bush mobile site now means that our surfers can enjoy our fantastic videos wherever they are, on whatever device, and now our webmasters can profit from all of their mobile traffic,“ Farrell Timlake of HomegrownCash said.
The website operates on the Spankmo platform, with both smart-phone and tablet versions on the same URL and is integrated into the HomegrownCash NATS affiliate program.
Webmasters can earn 50 percent revenue share.
The companies said new scenes are added to the mobile website daily.
For more information on the product visit Spankmo.com or email graeme@spankmo.com