LOS ANGELES — The Free Speech Coalition is calling on the adult industry to tweet, “like” and blog its support for the No on Government Waste Committee’s efforts to thwart Measure B, the “Safer Sex” initiative on the Nov. 6 ballot that would mandate condom usage in all adult films.
Out-funded by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, the No on Government Waste Committee is counting on the adult industry to utilize social media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook to voice its opposition to Measure B and to educate potential voters on performer testing by commenting online on news stories related to the initiative.
“The adult industry has always been on the forefront of social media,” FSC Membership Director Joanne Cachapero said. “With the campaign against Measure B, we would like to see people in the industry use social media to get the message to LA voters; to tell them that performer testing is effective; that Measure B is an unnecessary, unenforceable regulation; and also what Measure B will do to their jobs.
“Unlike AIDS Healthcare Foundation, we don't have millions to spend on billboards or other traditional advertising, but we can create a buzz online — and we encourage all industry members and fans to participate. It's really important that industry folks make themselves heard, because most voters don't understand the issues involved.”
To learn more and to stay informed, visit NoOnGovernmentWaste.com and follow @NOtoMeasureB and @FSCArmy on Twitter.