LOS ANGELES — Chris Crocker, the androgynous internet blogger who became a YouTube sensation in 2007 with the tearful viral video "Leave Britney Alone," will make his gay porn debut for MaverickMen.com on Thursday.
Crocker, who has maintained a large and loyal online fan base since uploading "Leave Britney Alone," a video plea made to pop star Britney Spears' critics after they lambasted her comeback performance at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards, has been teasing a jump into porn for years.
QueerMeNow.com is reporting that Crocker bottoms for MaverickMen, but tops his ex-boyfriend Justin Goble bareback in the scene. A trailer posted on the site also reveals Crocker's plans to launch a gay site of his own.
In the meantime, Crocker has registered the Twitter account @ChrisCrockerXXX and discusses his foray into porn on his Tumblr page.
"Sharing my sex life and sexual desires is no different than my day-to-day intimate videos," he writes. "It’s me letting down a wall most of society keeps up. That’s my only talent. Being my 100% self on camera. The self most of us try to hide. What is porn anyway? Is it doing a shameful, crass act on camera... because if so, I screwed myself on camera years ago."