More than 1,000 people responded to the Christian information site’s survey, answering 11 questions about their personal sexual conduct. partnered with Second Glance Ministries to develop the poll, which measured the “many temptations” members of the Christian community face in a secular society.
According Second Glance Ministries President Clay Jones, respondents who confessed an “addiction to porn” included church members, deacons, staff and clergy.
"The poll results indicate that 50 percent of all Christian men and 20 percent of all Christian women are addicted to pornography," Jones said.
According to ChristiaNet President Bill Cooper, the so-called pornography epidemic continues to grow each year.
"We directed more than 100,000 inquiries to Second Glance Ministries in one year," Cooper said. "We are seeing an escalation to the problem in both men and women who regularly attend church."
Jones attributes the growing interest in pornography among Christians to developments in technology and the rise of the Internet.
"There have been dynamic paradigm shifts in the behavior of Christians over the last four years," Jones said. "Technology and the Internet have allowed pornography to flood the market place beyond a controllable level."
The survey also revealed that 60 percent of the women who responded have “significant struggles with lust.” According to the survey, 40 percent of females who responded reported having been “involved in a sexual sin” within the last four years.