HOUSTON — Men’s Health Source, a source of in-depth and analytical reviews of male enhancement products has introduced Erectzan as a solution to male enhancement problems.
According to the company, Erectzan is a male enhancement product that works by relaxing the arteries of the penis. At the time of sexual arousal when the penis attempts an erection, Erectzan ensures that adequate amount of blood flows into the penis, so that the user can achieve stronger and longer erection.
The company says Erectzan has no risks of negative side effects and was created in accordance with FDA standards, although minor side effects have been reported with users to the tune of heart palpitations and headache.
Active ingredients of the Erectzan compound include extracts of the Catauba bark, L-Arginine, Korean Red Ginseng, Indian Ginseng, Tongkat Ali and L-Carnitine.
Men’s Health Source analyst said, “Erectzan pills are natural male enhancement supplements that have been developed to improve performance and enjoyment of sexual activity. If you are looking for a natural product to improve sexual performance and pleasure, Erectzan users have reported an increase in stamina and endurance with the use of this natural male enhancement product.”