The movie stars Brant Moore and Brandon Brooks in a parody of TV’s “Bewitched,” which tells the story of a warlock named Samuel who falls in love with a mortal, Derrick, despite the hijinks of Samuel’s magical family.
“We’re very pleased that we have such strong relationships with our studio partners that they trust our network — over all other VOD providers out there — to provide the best possible avenue for their titles’ release to end users,” AEBN’s Chris Baker said.
“BeTwinked” will be available on AEBN in January and will run for the entire month.
“We’re very proud of ‘BeTwinked,’” PZP Productions’ director Peter Z. “Or as we like to call it, ‘The Little Movie That Could.’”
PZP Productions also made the controversial “The DaVinci Load.”
AEBN has been aggressive recently in acquiring exclusive VOD content. The company only just cut a three-film deal with Alexander Pictures, which includes rights to "”Jungle Cruisers,” “Pool Side Heat” and “Underwater.”