TORONTO — Advertising network Adnium announced today that after months of cultivating relevant statistics from its client base of both publishers and advertisers that it views its members area ROI solution to be “the most profitable of any network in the space.”
Adnium, launched earlier this year, is the industry’s first and only ad network using a CPMV billing model versus traditional models that can gauge advertisers and keep the value of publisher traffic lower.
“'Big data' may be a buzzword that networks throw around, but we eat, breathe and sleep big data,” Adnium sales lead Dayna Deruelle said. "Because we have been so aggressive in delving into every single element of every single site and campaign we work with to monetize it, we have insights and knowledge that we have been able to turn into integral tools for our clients.
“Most people who have been seeking to enhance the value of their members area and squeeze more profit from their sites have done so with Adnium. After tons of time invested in this, it is great to see our solution working so well for everyone.”
Luke Hazlewood, Adnium’s CEO, said that having a proven business model that boosts members area ROI, the ad network is inviting site owners and webmasters to “put their traffic in their system and experience the Adnium difference.”
“Our clients are seeing an increase in their ad value of up to 15-20 percent with us,” Hazlewood said. “CPMV and big data are what drives Adnium and at the end of the day, numbers don’t lie.”
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