DALLAS — BubbleClips has added timestamps on all of its adult videos, which allows users to find and navigate specific sex positions throughout the video clips.
"Viewer efficiency is important to us," said a BubbleClips developer. "We've broken down sex videos into clear segments so viewers can easily pick the positions they want to watch. Our goal with this is to eliminate the hassle of searching and fluff."
The new timestamps can be found in the synopsis on all videos throughout the website. Clicking the corresponding number next to a sex position will immediately take the user to that portion of the video. Each timestamp has a beginning and ending timer to signal how long a position lasts.
"We're cutting out the unnecessary steps a viewer has to take to find what they want,” the developer added. “Our goal with timestamps is to create a simpler, fluid way of browsing. It's another step towards creating a better viewing experience."
For more information, visit BubbleClips.com or follow them on Twitter.