LOS ANGELES — Forbidden Fruits Films has announced the release of "Somebody’s Mother 3: Seductions by Reagan Foxx.”
The title features Alison Rey, McKenzie Lee, Codey Steele, Jodi West, Blake Morgan and T Stone being seduced by Reagan Foxx. To view the trailer, click here.
“Six tales of Mommy and her stepson in the most erotic way possible,” a representative said. “Featuring two plus hours of all new original footage including a bonus scene with Jodi West and Levi Cash! Shot in 4K, Forbidden Fruits Films are a must have for any store. They consistently sell and get reordered more than any other taboo genre.”
For more information, contact Forbidden Fruits Films at Jay@forbiddenfruitsfilms.com or Howard of Exile Distribution at howard@exiledist.com.