A grand jury indicted Harold Foote Hoffman II on two counts of mailing porn DVDs across state lines. The formal charges against Hoffman are for transporting obscene material in interstate commerce.
The mailings were done on two separate occasions via Federal Express and some of them contained bestiality, the state attorney alleges.
“People say, ‘Well, who are you to determine what’s obscene?’ While we reserve the right to prosecute whatever we think violates federal law, naturally, we go after the nastiest stuff,” an Alabama prosecutor was quoted as saying. “Our strategy is to focus on cases involving the online distribution of obscenity for commercial gain and obscenity involving children.”
The state of Alabama is known for staunch enforcement of obscenity laws that go so far as to even ban adult sex toys.
The indictment will also force Hoffman, who has a prior criminal record, to forfeit all profits he made from the sale of the videos if he is convicted.
Hoffman is not yet in federal custody.