BARCELONA — Each quarter, ExoClick’s Business Intelligence team examines the network’s data, with the most current results demonstrating an upward trend in video advertising rates.
According to the company, video is becoming ever more important for advertisers and as a result, ExoClick has seen a higher adoption by their publishers seeking to monetize video ad formats.
ExoClick compared 2019’s Q1 to Q2 growth for pre-roll in-stream ads and found that clicks grew by 22.27 percent, while impressions rose by 3.9 percent and views were up 0.44 percent.
ExoClick also looked at the CTR of pre-roll in-stream video ads with in-video banner ads and revealed the top six verticals for each format, along with the highest CTR. For pre-roll in-stream video, gambling and free video content are tied at 14 percent, while video-on-demand, movies and music are tied at 10 percent. Income generation is next at 8 percent, with dating in the final spot at 7 percent.
In-video banners were led by product tutorials that pulled 20 percent, with games trailing at 10 percent, followed by dating at 9 percent, video on demand at 8 percent, Nutra at 7 percent and e-commerce last at 6 percent.
ExoClick launched its video slider ad format four weeks ago and its statistics show a very high adoption from both publishers and advertisers. Since the launch, ExoClick now has 1,474 active video slider ad zones, boasting week-on-week growth of 3.9M impressions during the first week, up to 46.1M the second, 106.4M the third and 203M the fourth week.
The Q2 stats report also looked at email marketing and ExoClick’s Bidder tool, with the full statistics available here.