LOS ANGELES — As the adult entertainment industry continues to evolve in the face of constant change, overcoming obstacles while developing new markets and technologies, a wide range of mainstream businesses are taking a closer look at the ingredients of the industry’s success — which go far beyond any simple notion that “sex sells.”
For example, a recent article in Business Matters Magazine explores how “the porn industry has one of the most successful and proven business models and the underlying principles and tools could help any business flourish or even survive a recession.”
The article outlines half-a-dozen basic lessons that mainstream businesses can learn from their adult counterparts, including keep it clean; make a statement; don’t get comfortable; know what your customers want; be data-driven; and "remember, it is more than just money."
On "keeping it clean," the article notes that observers often have no idea how "heavily wrapped up in rigid legal boundaries" the adult industry is and how mainstream businesses need to spend more time consulting with attorneys to ensure they're navigating today's complicated legislative and policy environment — an arena where diversity comes into play — as does making a statement.
“Porn is far ahead of many industries when it comes to issues of race, disability and gender. It can be seen as inclusive, catering to a wide range of disability, for example,” the article stated. “Adult is creating accessibility, normalization and empowerment — something mainstream media is, shockingly, still struggling with.”
The article advises that mainstream businesses take an example from adult entertainment’s constant pursuit of new content creation and distribution channels and learn about market demands, in an intimate manner, particularly when data defines the playbook.
“Being data-aware keeps you fleet-of-foot, helping you to make quick decisions, plan ahead and operate successfully. Remember, what you see onscreen is not the business, it is the product,” the article adds. “The fact that this is forgotten is a testament to the success of those running it.”
Finally, the article concludes that “while financial gratification is a big part of any career path, ultimately, what you do has to be fun, rewarding and honest” — and what could be more fun and rewarding than sex? Especially if it helps you to succeed in business.
The full article can be read here.