LOS ANGELES — Veteran industry broadcasting and licensing guru Michael H. Klein has launched Next Step Entertainment.
According to Klein, Next Step will represent different companies and products across the adult and mainstream spectrum.
Examples include offering payment processing options and the ability to connect high-risk merchants with strong acquirers and banks to help deal with chargebacks and refunds; representing apps that can be used by cable, satellite and telco operators for their set-top boxes and for consumer electronic products such as Smart TVs; and representing adult broadcasting networks in their linear and video-on-demand and SVOD distribution.
Next Step will also represent content producers. including adult studios and internet companies, to help monetize their products through ancillary distribution methods in broadcasting, VOD and DVD; and will also work with PPV producers to help distribute their events to the cable and satellite universe.
“Having been in the industry for a number of years with some of the top companies such as Larry Flynt Publications and Hustler, Vivid, Playboy and Gamma, I have developed strong relationships with a lot of the players and hopefully some mutual respect,” Klein explained. “These connections along with my long experience in the fields of broadcasting, internet and licensing should help me bring about strong revenue returns for our clients.”
Direct inquiries to mk@nextstepentertainment.net or reach out via Skype at mhklein22.