ExoClick Releases 'Ultimate Guides' for Publishers, Video Advertisers

ExoClick Releases 'Ultimate Guides' for Publishers, Video Advertisers

BARCELONA — ExoClick has released two downloadable guides, "The Ultimate Optimization Guide for Publishers" and "The Ultimate Guide to Video Advertising," aimed at helping clients maximize their revenues on its platform.

"The Ultimate Optimization Guide for Publishers" is aimed at “overcoming 2020 challenges and improving each publisher’s bottom line,” explained a rep.

The publishers' guide has 11 "problem-solving solutions" using ExoClick’s platform tools and features, covering issues such as beating browser restrictions and getting more qualified push notification subscribers, Chrome workarounds using popunder and fullpage interstitial combinations, monetizing ad block traffic with popunders using ExoClick’s inline code, how to increase the value of native ad zones, and how to increase video advertising revenues and business intelligence statistics.

“One of ExoClick’s key objectives is to ensure that publishers are fully Google-compliant to ensure that rankings are kept high and ad zones are not blocked, both of which can drastically affect publisher revenues,” the rep said. “The guide also includes information on how ExoClick’s platform automatically converts heavyweight ad creatives to lighter, high-quality versions to ensure fast loading of ad zones. Additionally, the guide explains how ExoClick’s compliance department ensures that all ad creatives are in line with Google and the Better Ads Coalition to keep a publisher’s website 100% Google-compliant.”

The second guide, "The Ultimate Guide to Video Advertising," contains “everything an advertiser needs to know about getting started using ExoClick’s platform for video advertising,” the rep added.

As most adult content sites contain only video content, they continued, “video advertising is becoming more and more important and the CTRs for video ads are much higher than traditional banners.”

The advertising guide gives full explanations about ExoClick’s two video ad formats: In-Stream and Video Slider, network business intelligence data showing the higher CTRs across a large range of offer verticals, video ad content tips, ExoClick’s video ad making service, how to set up a video ad campaign, two video advertising case studies and tips from ExoClick’s account managers.

To view the guides, download The Ultimate Optimization Guide for Publishers, and The Ultimate Guide to Video Advertising.


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