BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — One year to the day that director and producer Ivan was hospitalized for a life-threatening health crisis, he released an "anniversary podcast" from the hospital chronicling his ordeal.
Through nine surgeries and now 65 pounds lighter, with — as he puts it — “awesome Viking scars” up-and-down his leg — Ivan has continued creating new projects.
“His positive spirits kept him healing while bedridden for months,” said a rep. “He even started his now very popular ‘King Slivan’ podcast while at the hospital for his ninth and final surgery.”
Ivan was prompted to start the broadcast from a desire to share his story.
“I know way too many people that have the same work ethic as myself," he said. "We put everything aside for our love of creating, forgetting to love ourselves at the end of the day. My hospital stay was very positive as I learned so much about myself and people around me.”
To listen to the first installment of the two-part episode, search for the “King Slivan” podcast on major podcast platforms. To watch the video version, visit Slivan.TV.
For more from Ivan, follow him on Twitter.