LOS ANGELES — Loyalfans has named MissRuby as its "Featured Creator" for October.
The title highlights "unique creators working, sharing and thriving within Loyalfans," a rep said. "Fans visiting the Creator Spotlight page are introduced to a scope of interesting creators — those who are new to the site, popular creators and interesting people utilizing Loyalfans’ exceptional features and offerings."
MissRuby enthused about the spotlight recognition.
“Oh, how very exciting,” she said. “The Queen Glamour-Domme has arrived.”
MissRuby will sit for a spotlight interview to be livestreamed Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 1 p.m. PDT. The event is open only to current, active Loyalfans creators. Sign up for the livestream here.
During the interview, MissRuby will reflect on her life and career, and share personal insights.
"Don't undersell yourself," she offered. "Just because Doris down the road is selling crotch shots for $3 doesn't mean you have to. You are your own best asset as there is only one of you – therefore, your value should be determined by no one but you."
She also commented on the benefits of Loyalfans as a creator.
"There are so many functions all in one place on LoyalFans, not to mention the ongoing support in the Wednesday tutorial sessions, the helpful team in the office, the ease of use once your profile is set up, and the best scheduler I've seen out there," she said.
Visit the Loyalfans Creator Spotlight page.