X Updates Adult Content Rules

X Updates Adult Content Rules

SAN FRANCISCO — X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, updated its adult content rules over the weekend, aiming to clarify how NSFW content may be posted and viewed.

The new policy states that users “may share consensually produced and distributed adult nudity or sexual behavior, provided it’s properly labeled and not prominently displayed.” 

The policy also establishes a specific “Adult Content” warning, instead of the generic “Sensitive Media” label.

“We believe that users should be able to create, distribute, and consume material related to sexual themes as long as it is consensually produced and distributed,” the policy statement explains. “Sexual expression, whether visual or written, can be a legitimate form of artistic expression. We believe in the autonomy of adults to engage with and create content that reflects their own beliefs, desires, and experiences, including those related to sexuality.

“We balance this freedom by restricting exposure to Adult Content for children or adult users who choose not to see it. We also prohibit content promoting exploitation, non-consent, objectification, sexualization or harm to minors, and obscene behaviors. We also do not allow sharing Adult Content in highly visible places such as profile photos or banners.”

The policy defines “Adult Content” as “any consensually produced and distributed material depicting adult nudity or sexual behavior that is pornographic or intended to cause sexual arousal.”

Examples provided for what material is included in the Adult Content category include “AI-generated, photographic or animated content such as cartoons, hentai, or anime; full or partial nudity, including close-ups of genitals, buttocks, or breasts; and explicit or implied sexual behavior or simulated acts such as sexual intercourse and other sexual acts.”

Users who regularly post adult content on X are instructed to adjust their media settings in order to place all their images and videos behind a content warning that needs to be acknowledged before their media can be viewed. There is also the option to add a one-time content warning on individual posts.

Anyone can report unmarked content or other violations. If an account that regularly posts adult content does not adjust media settings, X will do it for them.

Users under 18, or viewers who do not include a birth date on their profile, are not able to click to view marked content.

To read the new statement in full, visit X.com.


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