Adult Industry Collective Seeks Inclusion in EU's AI Debate

Adult Industry Collective Seeks Inclusion in EU's AI Debate

BRUSSELS — New European industry initiative Open Mind AI has penned a letter asking EU authorities to include adult companies and creators in ongoing discussions on setting up a legal framework for AI content.

Open Mind AI is comprised of digital human rights organizations, activists, adult companies and creators.

The text of the Open Mind AI letter, which was circulated Thursday, follows:

To the EU Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology,


to the Head of Unit “Digital Services and Platforms”, Mr. Prabhat Agarwal,


To the Head of Unit “Artificial Intelligence Regulation and Compliance”, Mr. Kilian Gross.

We, the undersigned 50 civil society organizations of the digital human rights field, together with ethical SMEs and experts of the adult industry, are writing to you to address a critical gap in the ongoing discourse surrounding AI regulation.

In our view, it is essential for effective protection of fundamental rights that the ongoing implementation of EU tech-law is informed by a responsible and ethical development of AI technologies that fosters freedom and safety of sexual representation.

The rapid rise of AI-generated content, particularly in the form of AI-enabled intimate image abuse (also known as “non-consensual deepfake pornography”), has raised significant concerns worldwide. High-profile incidents have underscored the urgent need for comprehensive regulatory frameworks that prioritize consent and respect for individual rights. These developments highlight the profound risks associated with the misuse of AI in the adult content space and the need for proactive measures to mitigate these dangers.

On the other hand, we are concerned about the rising trend of excessive censorship and stigmatization around sexual expression that suppresses discussions on sexuality, sex education, and sexual health. These actions silence diverse voices and marginalized communities that are already vulnerable, hindering the development of balanced AI policies.

Instead of resorting to extremes, we must develop a framework that respects individual autonomy and fosters open, informed dialogue on sexual rights.

We believe that the adult industry's unique perspective is crucial to developing fair and effective policies in this context. The adult industry has historically been a driving force behind technological innovation, from the advent of writing and photography to the rise of the internet and now AI. As such, it is imperative that our voices are heard in the discussions that will shape the future of said technology.

Our objectives are threefold:

1. Education: We seek to educate policymakers and the public about the implications of AI censorship and the importance of consent in AI-generated content.

2. Representation: We demand representation in AI regulation discussions to ensure that the unique challenges and opportunities of the adult industry are considered.

3. Collaboration: We aim to foster collaboration among the adult industry and the institutions of the European Union to build a unified front against censorship, discrimination, and the misuse of AI technology.

We believe that a sex-positive culture that celebrates diversity and empowers consenting adults is not only achievable but essential in the age of AI. We envision a future where technology is harnessed to promote inclusivity, consent, and empowerment for all individuals, including sex workers and those involved in the adult content industry. For all these reasons, we request to be included in the upcoming initiatives and consultations that the European Commission will arrange on this subject matter. As stakeholders at the intersection of technology, human rights, and sexual expression, our insights are essential for crafting balanced and effective AI regulations.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing matter. We look forward to your response and to the opportunity to collaborate on this important issue.


Digital Intimacy Coalition, European Sex Workers’ Rights Alliance (ESWA), ERIKA LUST, Beducated, and others.

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