SAN FRANCISCO — Eddie Patrick stars with Greyson Myles in the final installment of "Double Wide," NakedSword's collaborative release with SayUncle.
Directed by Ryan Brian and Jasun Mark, the collaboration between respective studio brands Trailer Trash Boys and MissionaryBoys features Derek Kage, Masculine Jason, Ryan Sebastian, and Buck Richards.
The scene opens with Patrick and Myles arriving at a cookout “but they have no idea how much meat is about to be shoved down their throats,” the synopsis reveals. “While tucked away in an isolated corner of the trailer park, the pair of eager missionaries swallow Buck Richards, Derek Kage, Ryan Sebastian, and Masculine Jason before getting into position to be fucked, filled, and barebacked by the trailer trash tops and their big daddy dicks.”
The scene is streaming on NakedSword and SayUncle; the full title is available on VOD and DVD from the Falcon/NakedSword store.