Inspired by the need for high-end, high-quality leather goods at a reasonable price point, XR President Ari Suss told XBIZ that he set out to design and manufacturer his own line of cuffs, collars and other restraints to develop his company's own collection.
"It takes all of our years of experience," Suss said, "finding what customers want, fine tuning it and having it made under our own brand name."
Suss said he found a partner with 20 years in the BDSM realm to oversee and train a group of manufacturers located outside of the U.S. who hand-stitch the products, rather than machine stamp them in factories in China.
"That's the competitive edge," Suss said. "The individual overseeing it is from California, an American, and knows what we're looking for. We are able to produce the same quality gear that is made in the U.S. at more reasonable price, and the quality didn't suffer."
He said he looked at the leather gear coming from other top adult manufacturers and said the quality was entry-level at best, unlined with raw edges. The Strict Leather line not only is lined with the same soft leather that it is made from, he said, its silver hardware and design make the products as attractive as they are effective for both beginner and hardcore bondage play.
The first installment of Strict Leather includes 16 items and is available at XR's wholesale website. Suss said the collection is ready and in stock for immediate purchase for online adult retailers.
Suss said the products are not packaged for individual sale in brick-and-mortar stores — another money-saving decision — and many outlets purchase the products in bulk and create their own glass shelving and display cases to showcase the high-end collection.
Suss said he is looking at developing collections of penis enlargement products and specialty electrosex stimulation gear to expand XR's personal product line.