“We just finished a 12-month complete revamp of all our paysites, giving them a great new look complete with a wide screen, Flash streaming, bigger images and altogether easier to navigate the sites,” GunzBlazing.com President Brian Randal said.
A new Flash tour is available for webmasters to access promotional tools, including exclusive photo and video galleries, new banners and promotional content zips.
There is a Flash-streaming trailer player for blogs. Webmasters can select a specific video trailer or have the player self-update with new video releases.
“Not only do our sites have a brand new look, but we are continuing to add great new content with the same high quality that people have come to expect from us,” Randal said.
GunzBlazing.com offers also a new payout program for webmasters that offers up to $40 for those who send 30 joins within a two-week period.
For more information, visit the website.