"This is the essential guide for every guy out there who loves gay porn," a representative said. "It is crammed with reviews of over 450 of the hottest films from the past 12 months and featuring the very spunkiest models in the industry today."
The directory features a number of genres of gay porn and gives full details of how to win tickets to attend the European Gay Porn Awards in Berlin on May 17. Tickets will not be for sale to the general public.
"So before you buy anything else, make sure you get your hands on this scorching 164-page, full-gloss publication," the representative said. "This is the best-value wank-fodder your money will buy."
The 2008 European Gay Porn Directory is being distributed in Eurpoe by Clone Zone and Millivres Prowler (U.K.), Soenke Beimester (Germany) and Homoactive (across Europe).
In the U.S. Bookazine is distributing it in a variety of outlets and can also be purchased online from TLA by clicking here.