"Fresh Out the Box," Mercenary Pictures' interracial new-girl series, is nominated for Gonzo Series of the Year. Tyler, who directs "Fresh Out the Box," is in the running for Gonzo Director of the Year, and Steele has been nominated for Male Performer of the Year.
"It's great to know that someone is watching and is taking notice of the hard work you're putting into your movies," Tyler said. "Fresh Out the Box' means a lot to me because I feel it's very important to make the sets fun and non-threatening, especially for the new girls in the business. It's very easy to get jaded in the adult industry and forget that we were all new once."
Steele also thanked XBIZ for his company's showing. "There's some great companies and people that XBIZ nominated for their awards," Steele said. "I's great to know that XBIZ appreciates the quality we put into our movies and that I put into my scenes," The XBIZ Awards will be held on Feb. 7 at The Highlands in Hollywood during the XBIZ Hollywood Conference.
For more information, visit LexingtonSteele.com. Distributors may contact Hank by email at mercenarypictures@msn.com . For foreign sales, contact Dani by email at dani@calvista.com.