"Yulia," a 26-minute film combining porn and politics features a pair of characters that are remarkably similar to two of the youngest leaders to emerge from the region; 44-year-old Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and 37-year-old Mikhail Saakashvili, the Georgian president.
Although the characters are simply called "Yulia" and "Mikhail," their depiction in a secret meeting, talking politics and having sex in a military helicopter should leave the audience in no doubt as to who they are meant to represent.
The script was authored by Russian pop-music producer Alexander Valov along with Liberal Democratic Party politician Aleksei Mitrofanov.
"In the script, their surnames will not be used, nor their official positions. There will be no diplomatic scandal," Mitrofanov said.
But a lack of diplomatic scandal may be easier to predict than to realize, given the fact that the character "Yulia" has the same trademark hair braid wrapped around her head as does Tymoshenko, who came to power after last year's "orange revolution" that replaced Ukraine's pro-Russian government with a pro-Western one.
Saakashvili replaced President Eduard Shevardnadze after a peaceful revolt in November, 2004, known as the "rose revolution."
Unpopular among Russian nationalists, Tymoshenko and Saakashvili are seen as anti-Moscow and pro-Washington.
"I am not pursuing any political objectives with the production of this film. For me it's just business," Valov said.
20-year-old Ukrainian porn star Elena Berkova will play "Yulia" with an Armenian actor playing "Mikhail."
According to Valov, if the film is successful, it could be the beginning of a series of erotic films featuring world political figures.