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Creating An Adult Web Site, Part 4

In my last article I created a free thumbnail gallery site complete with Warning, index and gallery pages, all set to start receiving traffic. Before I start sending traffic to my site however, I want to make sure I optimize the use of that traffic. So today I'm going to discuss managing the traffic that comes to the site.

Mark Farlow ·

Creating An Adult Web Site, Part 3

Well finally we are going to get down to the nitty gritty of building a free site. If you remember in my last article I discussed building the hub page for the site. The free sites will all be linked to the Hub page to tie everything together. I am going to construct a network of simple free sites, each exploiting a particular niche.

Mark Farlow ·

Creating An Adult Web Site, Part 2

Putting together an adult site can be a daunting task. If you take it one step at a time however, you should be able to accomplish wonders. Today I'm going to discuss preparing your domain for use, and we'll get started on designing a free site!

Mark Farlow ·

Press Releases: An Overlooked Traffic Tool

While not necessarily the most appropriate tool for reaching surfers, savvy marketers have long used press releases to reach adult Webmasters. Here are a few suggestions for using them to get the word out about your product or service, and a new tool to help make the process easier:

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Creating An Adult Web Site: Part 1

So you want to be an adult Webmaster? Good for you! Running an adult website can be a rewarding and profitable career. In this series of articles, I will walk you through the creation of an adult Web site. We will cover Free sites as well as AVS and Pays sites. Let's begin...

Mark Farlow ·

An Introduction to Traffic Looping

The old saying goes that it's easier to keep a customer than it is to find a new one, and it's oh so very true. Why then do so many Webmasters not hold on to their site's visitors as well as they should (or could)? Perhaps they don't know how easy or profitable Traffic Looping can be!

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

An Introduction to Traffic Filtering

The concept behind Traffic Filtering is simple: give the surfer what he wants! Why? Because that's the way you make money in this (or any other) business!

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

An Introduction to Traffic Washing

In this installment of our Basic Traffic Management series, we'll take a closer look at the theory and practice of Traffic Washing, and I'll illustrate several popular methods of washing your traffic.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

A New Idea From An Old Way to Profit

Token-based micro-payment systems offer great profit potential for adult web sites. Since I am currently building a new pay-site, I'm looking at various payment alternatives, and token-based systems seem logical.

Ayrora ·

Basic Traffic Management, Part 1: An Introduction

You may remember that in last week's article, "The Secret of Success," I stated that "Traffic is the single most important ingredient needed to build a profitable web business." Well, this week I'll begin to explore the world of basic traffic management.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Child Pornography: An Unsolvable Problem?

Child pornography is blight on this Industry and upon the face of mankind in general. Not only is it illegal, but damn it, it's wrong. The latest major case has been making headlines in the news this week and you can bet that more such cases will follow - as the government gets tough on online predators and child pornography.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·