
News & Articles
84 results:

Herbal Vivid Sees Spike in Asia Sales

Vivid Entertainment is seeing big dividends overseas with its herbal virility supplements. Vivid attributes the surge in Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China to a broadened distribution plan, an aggressive new global advertising campaign and the use of famous Vivid Girls to help promote the products.

DateApp Rolls Out Applications for Asia and Europe

On the heels of launching a customizable dating application for webmasters that can be deployed via SMS, video chat and other mobile formats, DateApp has turned its focus to providing applications for the European and Asian markets.

Microsoft Puts Linux Fear in Asia

Feeling the gradual encroachment of Linux adoption on what was once solid Microsoft turf, the software giant has taken an offensive stance in Asia and is reportedly warning governments in China, Japan and South Korea that patent infringement lawsuits could result if they make the migration from Microsoft to Linux.

Asia Bootleg Releases On-Location Reality Title

Asia Bootleg is releasing its new reality video made entirely on location in Southeast Asia. The specialty film “Teen Philippine” debuts on Sept. 8. According to Asia Bootleg’s owner Peter Frost, the video was shot in Manila and features nine Filipinas aged 18 to 20-years-old.