Bold Type Marketing

News & Articles
3 results:

Is Generative AI Helping or Hurting the Pleasure Biz?

In her TED Talk “What Will Happen to Marketing in the Age of AI?,” Jessica Apotheker of Boston Consulting Group explains a study conducted by her firm and Harvard University, which revealed that “when people overrely on generative AI, the collective divergence of ideas drops by 40%.”

Casey Murphy ·

Industry Etiquette Tips for Adult Retail Newbies

If you are a microretailer or a small manufacturer in this industry, chances are you may have felt overlooked or underestimated at some point simply based on the perceived size of your business.

Casey Muphy ·

Overcoming 'The Badge Glance,' Cliques and Politics at Trade Shows

Leading up to Altitude, many industry folks were likely wondering what might have changed since the last live trade show that we attended together.

Casey Murphy ·