
News & Articles
692 results:

Impeachment Trial Begins for Disgraced Anti-Porn Texas AG Ken Paxton

The impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a staunch anti-porn Republican culture warrior, began Tuesday in the state Senate, probing allegations of “bribery, unfitness for office and abuse of public trust.”

Judge Blocks Arkansas 'Social Media Safety' Age Verification Law

The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Arkansas on Thursday granted a preliminary injunction blocking the Arkansas government from enforcing the state’s sweeping new Social Media Safety Act, which was scheduled to take effect today, until its merits are litigated.

Australia Nixes Age Verification Mandate for Adult Sites Over Privacy Concerns

The Australian government announced Wednesday that it will not require adult websites to implement age verification.

Pennsylvania Republican Reintroduces 'Mandatory Porn Filter' Copycat Bill

Republican State Rep. Jim Gregory has reintroduced a copycat bill to require electronics manufacturers to activate “porn filters” on all devices sold in Pennsylvania.

Pope Criticizes Religious People Who Focus Too Much on 'Sins of the Flesh'

Pope Francis earlier this month criticized religious people who would rather “look at the so-called ‘sins of the flesh’ with a magnifying glass” than address other sinful behavior like exploiting workers.

Jessica Stoya Pens Porn Positivity Essay for Reason Magazine

Jessica Stoya has contributed a new essay to Reason magazine, about how online adult content can be an important source of community and information regarding human sexuality.

SWERF Democrat, Christian Lobby Team Up to Push 'Age Verification' Law in Maine

Democratic State Rep. Lois Reckitt has teamed up with Maine’s Christian Civic League to propose a new “age verification” law, as that state’s version of the controversial legislation that religious Republicans have been promoting around the country in an effort to reinstitute obscenity prosecutions at the federal level.

FSC Warns of Risks to Adult Sites if Texas Age Verification Law Takes Effect Sept. 1

Free Speech Coalition (FSC) issued a statement Thursday urging industry stakeholders to prepare for the new Texas age-verification and labeling law set to take effect Sept. 1.

Texas Interim Attorney General Argues All Adult Content is 'Obscene,' Not Protected by 1st Amendment

Texas’ interim attorney general, Angela Colmenero, on Tuesday issued a response to the Free Speech Coalition (FSC) lawsuit against the state’s controversial age verification law, contending that adult content is “obscene” and therefore not entitled to First Amendment protections.

Virginia Press Reports on Failure of Recent Anti-Porn Law

The Virginia Mercury newspaper Wednesday published its first report assessing the effectiveness of the commonwealth’s recent age verification law promoted by anti-porn activists and religious conservative Republicans.

Texas Dept. of Health and Human Services Refuses to Answer Questions About Anti-Porn Law's Mandatory 'Warnings'

The Texas Department of Health and Human Services has declined to confirm or deny whether the “health warnings” mandated by the state’s recent anti-porn age verification law are supported by any official documentation or statement produced by that office.

Instagram Now Censoring SFW Images From '90s Erotic Dramas

Instagram this week censored several posts promoting the acclaimed film history podcast “You Must Remember This,” including SFW images from ’90s erotic drama “Indecent Proposal,” starring Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson and Robert Redford.

Virginia Democrats Admit to Trading Off Their Age Verification Votes for Unrelated Bill

A Democratic Virginia state senator has admitted that he and Republican senators used the issue of age verification for adult material as a bargaining chip to negotiate the language of an unrelated piece of legislation.

Judge Postpones Start of Backpage.com Trial

The Arizona federal judge in charge of the Backpage.com retrial pushed back the start of the trial during a hearing on Friday, following the death of co-defendant James “Jim” Larkin.

Judge Moves Backpage.com Retrial Forward Despite Jim Larkin's Death

The Arizona federal judge in charge of the Backpage.com retrial issued an order Tuesday stating that she is aware of the death of co-defendant James “Jim” Larkin, but nonetheless expects the parties in the case to prepare for trial to commence next Tuesday.

Former Backpage Executive Jim Larkin Dies Days Before Retrial

Former Backpage.com executive James “Jim” Larkin, a co-defendant in the ongoing Backpage.com case due to be retried this month after a 2021 mistrial, died by suicide Monday in Superior, Arizona.

FSC to Appeal Following Utah Judge's Dismissal of 'Age Verification' Challenge

After a Utah judge on Tuesday morning granted the state its motion to dismiss Free Speech Coalition's challenge to a new, vaguely worded "age verification" mandate, the adult industry trade group announced that it will appeal that decision.

Influential Pastor Urges Christians to 'Stop Porn'

Amidst a ramping up of religious conservative “porn addiction” propaganda timed to influence the Senate debate on KOSA and COPPA, influential pastor Nick Vujicic has taken to the interview circuit to ask for porn to be stopped and for churches to get involved in “addressing sexual sin.”

Pornhub Blocks Access in Arkansas Before Vague 'Age Verification' Law Goes Into Effect

Pornhub has disabled access to its site in Arkansas in anticipation of a punitive new “age verification” law promoted by religious conservatives, set to take effect Tuesday.

Controversial KOSA, COPPA Bills Pass Commerce Committee, Head to Senate Floor

The Senate Commerce Committee on Thursday approved by a unanimous voice vote two controversial “online safety” bills that have been criticized by leading digital rights and privacy advocates.