With the sudden withdrawal of Cutting Edge Testing (CET) this week — a year and a month after the withdrawal of Talent Testing Service (TTS) — the PASS system of adult industry performer testing has entered a period of uncertainty, but its director and board members hope this will result in an improved status quo that will provide more options for talent health services.
The director of the PASS database, Ian O'Brien, issued a statement this afternoon after CET (Cutting Edge Test) announced via Twitter they would withdraw from the performer testing system.
Dr. Peter Miao, the veteran adult industry physician who oversees the PASS-approved Cutting Edge Testing (CET) draw center, has expressed “major, major concerns” about the non-FDA-approved, $35 COVID-19 test being offered by his competitor Talent Testing Services (TTS).
For three days next week, Cutting Edge Testing will offer free stand-alone chlamydia/gonorrhea tests at its new Sherman Oaks office as well as at its satellite stations.
Cutting Edge Testing (C.E.T) has announced its designation of September as “Wellness Awareness Month,” during which it will provide a complimentary good-health panel at the same time as performers receive standard testing.