Evil Angel

News & Articles
1561 results:

Adult Stars to Host AIDS Walk LA Fundraiser in Fullerton Thursday

Four adult stars who are members of the Evil Angel team for AIDS Walk LA are hosting a fundraiser this Thursday at Slidebar in Fullerton, Calif. All donations will be given to AIDS Project LA at the AIDS Walk LA.

Evil Angel to Release 2nd Buttman Film From Director Timo

Evil Angel announced today that "In Like Timo," the second movie from Buttman Magazine Choice director/performer Timo will be released Oct. 14.

Stars Align for FSC's Hustler Hollywood Freedom Party

The adult industry came out in force Wednesday night to support the Free Speech Coalition’s Hustler Hollywood Freedom Party at the Whisky A Go Go on the Sunset Strip.

3 More Porn Studios Face Video Index Infringement Claims

Three more adult companies have been dragged into another suit waged over alleged infringement of a patent relating to video-indexing processes that use thumbnail images during DVD navigation.

Stagliano Attorney: Challenge Everything

U.S District Judge Richard Leon filed a memorandum opinion last week, explaining in further detail the reasoning behind his rulings in the John Stagliano obscenity trial.

John Stagliano to Appear on FOX Stossel Show Follow-Up

Evil Angel owner John Stagliano will appear again on the FOX Business Network show Stossel, to discuss the outcome of his federal obscenity prosecution.

Libertarian Party Called Stagliano Trial 'Ridiculous'

The Libertarian Party issued a statement prior to the end of the John Stagliano obscenity trial calling the prosecution ridiculous and in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Stagliano Trial Brings to Light LAPD Porn Surveillance

With the John Stagliano obscenity trial now history, many in the adult industry community have shifted their attention to one of the witnesses for the prosecution — the LAPD's Det. Michael Ozaki.

Video: Stagliano Discusses Trial on Reason.tv

Reason.tv, which has been documenting John Stagliano's tribulations with the U.S. government over its now-failed obscenity prosecution, continues with its series of videos with the Evil Angel founder.

Judge Dismisses Stagliano Obscenity Case

A federal judge has ruled that the John Stagliano case is over. The government didn't meet burden of proof on any of the counts.

Stagliano Trial Prosecutors Rest Case

The government rested its case today in the obscenity trial of John Stagliano but not before a prosecutor for the government, Pamela Satterfield, had been put into a tough bind.

Stagliano Judge to Rule on Whether Case Should Continue

The federal judge in the John Stagliano obscenity case will decide today whether the government has met its burden of proof to continue its case.

Stagliano Prosecutors to Rest Case Tomorrow

When court resumed in the afternoon session in the John Stagliano case, one issue was up for discussion: Would Judge Leon declare a mistrial due to the jury's viewing of evidence that was now dismissed, the trailer to “Fetish Fanatic 5.”

Stagliano Judge Throws Out 'Fetish Fanatic' Trailer

In a stunning blow to the government’s case against John Stagliano, Judge Richard Leon ruled this morning the trailer to “Fetish Fanatic 5” was now inadmissible due to technical flaws in the recording by the FBI.

Stagliano Judge to Rule Tomorrow on 'Fetish Fanatic 5' Trailer

Judge Richard Leon said this afternoon he would give his ruling tomorrow as to whether the trailer for “Fetish Fanatic 5” would be thrown out and with it, the seventh count in the indictment against John Stagliano.

Stagliano Judge May Throw Out 'Fetish Fanatics' Trailer

The government’s case against John Stagliano under the charge that material, in the form of a movie trailer, was accessible to minors had been thrown into question after a major technical malfunction occurred during the playing of the video.

Stagliano Trial Attorneys Battle Over Actor's Identity

Day two of the obscenity trial of John Stagliano began with an issue over a witness the defense plans on calling.

Stagliano Jurors View 'Milk Nymphos'

Jurors on the first day of the John Stagliano obscenity trial viewed a 50-minute scene from “Milk Nymphos,” one of the movies cited by federal prosecutors as obscene.

Opening Arguments Begin in Stagliano Trial

Opening arguments for the obscenity trial of John Stagliano began this morning.