
News & Articles
523 results:

Why I Did It: Working With Walnuts, Part 1

In this newest installment of my ongoing "Why I Did It" series, I'm going to redefine the acronym "WWW" from being short-hand for "World Wide Web" to "Working With Walnuts" ~ So what the heck am I talking about now? For some of you, it just might be the coolest thing you've read in a long time...

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Why I Did It: Working With Walnuts, Part 2

In this installment of my ongoing "Why I Did It" series, I'm going to continue discussing the use of includes, focusing on PHP and Server Side Includes (SSI) for fast and easy page formatting, and simplified site maintenance.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Why I Did It

This marks the first installment in an irregular series detailing the "Why" behind the "How" that I outline in some of my articles. While some of my views might be controversial, I hope they'll be thought provoking enough to give you a few new ideas:

Stephen Yagielowicz ·