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5 results:

Virginia Press Reports on Failure of Recent Anti-Porn Law

The Virginia Mercury newspaper Wednesday published its first report assessing the effectiveness of the commonwealth’s recent age verification law promoted by anti-porn activists and religious conservative Republicans.

JuicyAds Rolls Out Improved Proxy/VPN/Colohost Blocking

JuicyAds has rolled out new proxy, VPN and colohost blocking, enabling advertisers to remove banner campaigns from swaths of the internet with the flip of a switch.

China Blocks VPN Services That Skirt Censors' Reach

China has begun blocking VPN (virtual private network) services in an apparent bid to further censor the Internet.

VPN Users Are Likely Content Pirates, BBC Says

Heavy users of VPNs are so suspicious that ISPs should consider them as content pirates, according to a new study made for the Australian government by BBC Worldwide.

Visa, MasterCard Taking Action Against VPN Providers

MasterCard and Visa reportedly have now started to take action against virtual private network providers in an apparent move to target websites that could be linked to copyright infringement.