Articles by Ariana Rodriguez and Nicholas Yanes


A Look at How Kinship Drives the Pleasure Industry Forward

You might assume combining family and work is likely to cause strain on both ends, and perhaps even be detrimental to business. Yet in the pleasure industry, myriad family-owned businesses are proving otherwise.


Adult Retail Experts Discuss Tools, Strategies for Online Success

Offering convenience, a discreet shopping experience and competitive prices, ecommerce has become many adult retail shoppers’ go-to, particularly since the pandemic when so many became reliant on it.


Pleasure Purveyors Discuss Challenges, Opportunities Amid a World in Flux

Between an unrelenting global pandemic and the war in Ukraine, we are seeing a perfect storm that’s causing unprecedented inflation along with an economic crisis that many predict will continue to impact the international market for some time.

A Look at the Push for Inclusivity in Sexual Wellness

From gender-affirming products and realistic toys representing a variety of skin tones to sex accessories made to facilitate pleasure for those with physical disabilities or pain, manufacturers of pleasure products are increasingly incorporating inclusivity into their designs.