Articles by Brad Mitchell


Protecting Your Business With a Data Backup Strategy That Works

If the subject of backups sounds boring to you, maybe this will grab your attention: Without properly implemented backups, your business is vulnerable to partial or even catastrophic data loss, which could screw your company and tank your income.

Brad Mitchell ·

Understanding the Latest Server Processors

Over the last decade, we mostly stopped talking about CPU performance. Recently, however, there has been a seismic and exciting change in the CPU landscape, due to innovation by a chip company called Advanced Micro Devices (AMD).

Brad Mitchell ·

How to Know When Hosting Upgrades Are Really Needed

I was reminded about an annoyingly common experience that often frustrates website owners: upgrades. Sometimes, an upgrade of physical system resources like CPU, RAM or storage really is required to solve a problem or improve performance… but how do you know you’re not just being upsold?

Brad Mitchell ·

The Ins and Outs of IP Addresses: What Website Owners Should Know

Think about your home address, the place you live. It is unique. That’s important because when you decide to invite someone over, they will need directions to find you. It’s even more important if you want a lot of visitors.

Brad Mitchell ·

Strategic Upscaling of Non-4K Content

If content is king in adult, then technical quality is the throne upon which it sits. Technical quality drives customer acquisition and new sales, while cementing retention and long-term loyalty.

Brad Mitchell ·

To Cloud or Not to Cloud, That Is the Question

Let’s be honest. It just sounds way cooler to say your business is “in the cloud,” right? Buzzwords make everything sound chic and relevant. In fact, someone uninformed might even assume that any hosting that is not in the cloud is inferior. So what’s the truth?

Brad Mitchell ·

An Ethical Approach to Global Tech Staffing

One thing my 24-year career as a technologist working to support the online adult entertainment industry has taught me about is the power of global staffing. Without a doubt, I have achieved significantly more business success as a direct result of hiring abroad.

Brad Mitchell ·

The Next Frontier in Computing, Storage Is Here

While I typically steer clear of diving too deeply into the technical nitty-gritty, in this month’s column I’m making an exception, because there’s a technological evolution underway that has the potential to fundamentally enhance technical outcomes and, more importantly, grow revenue.

Brad Mitchell ·

Beware of Social Engineering Hacks

In case you’ve never heard of social engineering hacks, they are cyberattacks that prey on individual people. The intent is to get victims to divulge private information or take actions, precisely planned by the attacker, that will lead to a security breach.

Brad Mitchell ·

The Importance of a Modern Tech Stack

You’ve built your website or platform. It is a fantastic piece of software, it works — and even better, your customers love it. You’re done developing, so now you can fire all your developers and not renew your contractor agreements. Right?

Brad Mitchell ·

Eyes on the Site: Strategies for 24/7 Website Monitoring

Back in the 1990s, there were all sorts of companies that would scan your website and let you know if and when it ever went down. Ah, the memories. Site monitoring has since advanced far beyond those humble beginnings. Today, most websites are more complex, and checking whether one is online or not is not as simple as it used to be.

Brad Mitchell ·

Commonly Forgotten Steps When Migrating a Website

Switching hosting providers can be a daunting proposition. If you felt a bit of panic right there just from the thought, you’re not alone. There isn’t anyone on the planet who looks forward to migrating a website — but planning will make everything flow smoother.

Brad Mitchell ·

Optimizing Your Hosting Costs

These days, everyone is feeling the pinch of higher prices — including businesses realizing the true cost of cloud hosting. They say ignorance is bliss, but in the case of business owners who don’t even know they’re being taken advantage of, ignorance is just expensive.

Brad Mitchell ·

Capitalizing on the Latest Hosting Trends

It amazes me how far technology has come. Running with the ever-improving blazing-fast servers we do today almost feels like cheating compared with what used to run the internet decades ago.

Brad Mitchell ·

Examining the Benefits of Virtual Private Servers

Not everyone needs the most cutting-edge robust servers. A lot of websites start small and stay small, which makes them ideally suited for a virtual private server (VPS).

Brad Mitchell ·

A Brief History of Virus Profiteers

Ransomware is as old as the internet itself. It has been causing havoc across computer networks worldwide for decades. Much like virus variants, it has adapted along the way and has a fascinating history.

Brad Mitchell ·

How Not to Get ‘Pwned’ by Ransomware

At MojoHost, we don’t know much about UFOs, but we’re definitely familiar with ransomware and the technological battle against it that’s required to keep customers safe and secure.

Brad Mitchell ·

Bits and Bytes: Get Your Site Speedy for Spring

Spring is in the air (at least for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere). It’s that magical time of the year when the promise of nice weather outside makes necessary spring cleaning indoors all that more difficult.

Brad Mitchell ·

Fast, Free and Easy SSL: Don't Pay Big Bucks for Certificates

The time has come to stop paying for SSL certificates! Except for a few edge or convenience cases, there are multiple great options for free SSL certificates.

Brad Mitchell ·

Bits and Bytes: Slaying the DDoS Dragon

If you’re tired of seeing folks get hit by DDoS attacks and then incurring costly fees from providers, fortunately, the landscape is changing; DDoS attacks are being handled differently today than they have been in the past.

Brad Mitchell ·
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