Articles by Derek Vaughan


The Power of Paris Hilton

A hacker has been sucking bandwidth out of my site recently. Maybe you’ve heard of her – Paris Hilton. That’s right, Paris Hilton – heiress to the Hilton Hotel fortune, with modelesque features, and a

Derek Vaughan ·

Why You Shouldn’t Pay Per Click

There has been a recent rise in the popularity of pay-per-click advertising campaigns that coincides with the success of Google’s AdWords Select product. the success of AdWords is one driving force

Derek Vaughan ·

3 Things to Look for in a Web Host

If you are shopping for web hosting, what are the top 3 things you should be looking for in the company you choose? That’s precisely the question that CPU Review posed when we sat down with several web hosting industry professionals. Here are their answers in their own words

Derek Vaughan ·

5 Tips for Increasing SE Rankings

CPU Review recently sat down with search engine optimization (SEO) expert Pierre Zarokian of Submit Express to discuss the optimization of websites in competitive markets. Here's his Top 5 Tips

Derek Vaughan ·